Welcome To Kalye!

Shape Guide


Urban Mold

  • Medium kick degrees
  • Deeper Concave
  • 96mm Lenght
  • Aggressive 

Rural Mold

  • Low kick degrees
  • Mellow Concave
  • 96mm Lenght
  • More realistic

The Molds Background
Rural mold was the first mold introduced by Kalye. I named it "Rural" because rural areas in the Philippines are relaxed, more mellow. It has changed cut and length over the years, til we landed on what we offer today. Rural offers a realistic look, mellow concave and mellow kick degrees. More relaxed feel when you're on the board. We were fortunate enough to introduce a mold that people loved, the moment we released it. Short and sweet.

Urban mold is technically our 3rd mold, the first Urban mold was discontinued after the first release. I named it "Urban" because urban areas in the Philippines are more busy. The first Urban mold simply did not meet my expectations. So back to the drawing board I go! Few months have passed and I decided to just translate the Rural mold to an aggresive approach. Same length, Same wheelbase, but with higher kick degrees, a deeper concave, and sharper dips. That's how the present Urban mold was born! The aggresive kick degrees and concave, together with the length really made the Urban mold shine.